Monday, June 16, 2014

MyQuery 3.5.5 Released

I have just released version 3.5.5 of MyQuery, which is a minor feature, cleanup and bugfix release. If you don't know MyQuery since before, this is an Open-Source Windows based MySQL and MariaDB ad-hoc query tool. What makes MyQuery slightly different from all the other similar tools is that MyQuery has a focus on SQL-scripting, allowing statements in a script to be run one at the time, to restart a script where it left of in the case of an error and some other features like this. MyQuery features colour coded syntax as it uses Scintilla for editing, and this is highly configurable. Also, multiple editing tabs are supported. Another thing that makes MyQuery stand out a bit is that it is highly flexible. If you have SQL statements that you run often to monitor the state of the server or your application, then it is real easy to implement this as a simple tool accessible from the MyQuery menu.

There is much more to MyQuery than this, so if you think this sounds cool, then download it from sourceforge and give it a shot, you might like it!
